Shaillee Juneja
About Shaillee

Ashley Cheng
About Ashley

Alice Mingfei Yi
About Alice
AFSSA Ambassadors are essential in achieving our goal to end domestic and sexual violence in Asian communities in Central Texas and beyond. AFSSA Ambassadors amplify messages of prevention, dignity, and respect for survivors of violence, and generate support to propel the anti-violence movement forward among API communities.
AFSSA Ambassadors:
- Show us what is possible and inspire us to define a free, dignified, joyful future.
- Educate and speak out on issues of domestic and sexual violence.
- Represent AFSSA’s values of Prevention, Advocacy, Responsiveness, and Transformation.
- Spread the word about AFSSA’s free services for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and trafficking.
- Amplify AFSSA’s efforts in violence prevention, education, and outreach.
To request a speaker engagement, presentation, or event appearance please contact the AFSSA Prevention, Education, and Outreach team with details of your need.
Asian Family Support Services of Austin
Administrative office: 512-358-6318
Website: www.afssaustin.org
24/7 in-language hotline: 877.281.8371 for domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking, dating violence, stalking and other forms of interpersonal violence.