Get Help
If you have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault, you can call AFSSA any day at any time: 877-281-8371. We speak your language.
AFSSA supports all survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and trafficking. Our services are all free and confidential.
- Safety planning & 24-hour hotline (877-281-8371) in all languages for domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking, dating violence, stalking and other forms of interpersonal violence.
- Emergency & long-term housing resources
- Youth & adult therapeutic counseling
- Education & job training opportunities
- Legal resources
- Medical resources & appointment accompaniment
- Legal advocacy
- Parenting support
- Education/training for community leaders, parents, youth, professionals & advocates

What is family/relationship abuse?
Family/relationship abuse happens when one person (the abuser) wants all the power in a relationship. Abusers try to control their victims and keep them in their place. Sadly, family/relationship abuse is very common in the U.S. and throughout the world. Anyone can experience abuse or be an abuser – all genders, ages, cultures, and religions. This includes people who are educated or who may have a lot of money.
Family/relationship abuse is often called domestic violence and can happen between
- people who are married
- people who are in a relationship but are not married
- parents and children
- grandparents and grandchildren
- in-laws
- people who live in the same home, whether or not they are related by blood
Abuse is not just hurting someone’s body (known as physical abuse). Many abusers never hit their victims. In fact, most abusers control victims in other ways:
- keeping victims away from friends/family and making them feel stupid or not good enough (emotional/psychological abuse)
- not allowing them to earn or spend money the way they would like (financial abuse)
- forcing them to have sex when they do not want to (sexual abuse)
- not letting them practice their religion (spiritual abuse)
These other forms of abuse are just as harmful as physical. You can learn more about them on the opposite page. If you are experiencing abuse, please remember – whatever the abuser may tell you, the abuse is not your fault. AFSSA can help you. Call 877-281-8371 any time. We can speak to you in your language
Types of Abuse
An abuser may:
Physical Abuse
- Shove, slap, kick or throw things at you
- Drive dangerously & make you feel unsafe
- Violate your physical boundaries & intimidate you physically
- Force you to participate in sexual acts when you do not want to
- Withhold or use sex as a weapon
- Expose you to HIV/AIDS & sexually transmitted infections
Emotional/Psychological Abuse
- Control where you go, what you do & who you talk to
- Constantly criticize you, insult you, or make you feel like you are not good enough
- Make you doubt your own sanity
- Keep you from seeing or talking to friends & family
- Keep you from learning English
- Threaten to hurt you, others you care about or themselves
- Threaten to have you deported or take your children away
Spiritual Abuse
- Use religious and spiritual beliefs/sacred texts to manipulate you and justify abuse
- Not allow you to practice your religion/spirituality
Financial Abuse:
- Limit your ability to access money, passports, the phone, car, etc.
- Limit your ability to work
- Deny your basic needs such as food, housing, clothing, or medical care
What is sexual assault and harassment?
Sexual assault is any sex act that is done to someone without their permission, including touching and groping. Sexual assault can involve violence and physical force, but doesn’t have to. Instead, perpetrators might:
- Threaten violence
- Threaten to deny victims financial help/food/living space
- Threaten to tell lies or spread rumors about victims
- Make victims feel worthless
- Make victims feel like they do not have a choice
Sexual assault is never your fault, no matter:
- What you were doing or wearing
- Where you were
- Who you were with
- Whether you were drinking alcohol or taking drugs
Most people who commit sexual assault know their victims. Sexual assault can happen between friends, family members, acquaintances, co-workers or married couples. Sexual assault can even happen between people who have agreed to have sex in the past.
Sexual harassment is sexual behavior that makes someone feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Sexual harassment can include
- sexting someone without their permission
- showing nude photographs
- telling sexual jokes
- making comments about someone’s body, sexuality, or sex life
When someone tells you they were sexually assaulted, the best way you can help is to believe them.
If you have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault, you can call AFSSA any day at any time: 877-281-8371. We speak your language.
Other Resources
American Gateways (Legal Help)
(512) 478-0546
Center for Survivors of Torture (Mental Health, Medical Care)
Counseling, medical care & other services
(512) 358-4612
Child and Adult Abuse Hotline (State of Texas)
(800) 252-5400
Hope Alliance Hotline (Shelter – Williamson County)
Shelter for women and children in Round Rock
(800) 460-SAFE (7233)
The Kind Clinic (Medical Care)
(833) 937-5463
National Domestic Violence Hotline (Crisis Help, Resources)
(800) 799-SAFE (7233)
SAFE Alliance (Shelter – Austin)
(512) 267-SAFE (7233)
Texas Advocacy Project (Legal Help)
Family Violence Legal Line: (800) 374-HOPE (4673)
Family Law Hotline: (800) 777-FAIR (3247)
Texas Civil Rights Project (Legal Help)
(512) 474-5073
Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid (Legal Help)
Free legal services for victims of abuse
(512) 374-2700
Travis County Attorney’s Office
Applications for protective orders
(512) 854-9415
University of Texas at Austin’s Counseling and Mental Health Center (Mental Health)
Services for UT students
(512) 471-3515
Waterloo Counseling Center (Mental Health)
Services for LGBTQ community
(512) 444-9922
If you have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault, you can call AFSSA any day at any time: 877-281-8371. We speak your language.